French, German, English
A mission: listen, analyze, orient, advise and defend French and foreign individuals and businesses, notably in the following areas:
- Commercial Law
- Insolvency Law
- Corporate Law and Laws on Associations
- Competition Law Labor Law
- Public Construction Law
- Civil and business litigation
- Enforcement of national and foreign judgments
A specific approach: accompanying the client, within Europe, notably in the French-German context, in order to find adequate solutions to all legal issues raised by the cultural differences.
Professional Organisations and Associations
President of the Union des Jeunes Avocats de Strasbourg (1989-1990)
Member of the Board of the Strasbourg Bar Association (1991-1997 et 2000-2013)
President of the Strasbourg Bar Association (2006-2007)
Founding member and member of the lawyers’ network Advoselect (since 1991)
Founding member and member of the DAV Strasbourg since 2013
Maîtrise in Private Law – Strasbourg Law University (1981)
Admitted to the Bar – Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat (1983)
Other Interests
Music and Arts
Honory President of the Radio Accent 4, which broadcasts classical music

Stefan STADE
Avocat and Rechtsanwalt
French, German, English, Spanish
To analyze and understand the client in his specific situation, search for a customized solution, accompany and defend him both in France and Germany, notably in the following areas:
- Inheritance Law
- Real Estate Law
- Business Law
Professional Organisations and Associations
Member of the Board of the Strasbourg Bar Association (2001-2007 et 2009-2014)
Cofounder, member and 1. President of the DAV Strasbourg
Member of the Board (Vorstand) of the DAV Deutscher Anwaltverein
Member of the association DACH-Europäische Anwaltsvereinigung / European Association of Lawyers
Member of the board of the Inheritance Law commission within the DAV (Deutscher Anwaltverein)
Member of NDEXX a German network of lawyers specialized in inheritance law
First and Second German State Diploma (Staatsdiplom) (1984, 1986)
Admitted to the German Bar (1986)
Control Exam of Knowledge in French Law (Examen de Contrôle de connaissances en droit français) (1994)
Admitted to the Strasbourg Bar (1994)
Teaching / Conferences
Regularly participates as a speaker at seminars dealing with issues in economic law, the lawyers’ profession and inheritance law.
- Unternehmensnachfolge in Frankreich, in DACH-Schriftenreihe Nr. 27 / The transfer of businesses in France in publications DACH n° 27
- Europäisches Gesellschaftrecht-Gebräuchliche Rechtsformen in Frankreich, insbesondere die SAS, in DACH-Schriftenreihe Nr. 39 / European Corporate Law and the legal structures most commonly used in France, notably the SAS in publications DACH n° 39
- Pathologische Klauseln in der französischen Arbitrage-Rechtsprechung, in SchiedsVZ 2011, Heft 2, S. 88 ff. / The pathological provisions in the French arbitral case law in SchiedsVZ 2011, n° 2, p. 88 et seq.
- Internationales Erbrecht im deutsch-französischen Kontext, in DACH-Schriftenreihe Nr. 20 / International Inheritance Law within the French-German context in publications DACH n° 20
- Der deutsch-französische Erbfall: Das Ferienhaus und sonstiges Vermögen in Frankreich, in ErbR Heft 09-2012, S.262 ff. / A French-German inheritance case: the vacation home and other goods located in France in ErbR n°09-2012, p.262 et seq.
- Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung Nr. 650/2012 und deren Auswirkungen auf diverse Länder, Länderbericht Frankreich, in DACH-Schriftenreihe Nr. 42 / The European Regulation n° 650/2012 in matters of succession and its effects in differents countries, Report about France, in publications DACH n° 42. DACH 42 – EU-ErbVO – Länderbeitrag FR – Stade
- Patientenverfügung und Vorsorgevollmacht nach BGB – und was ist, wenn etwas in Frankreich passiert? in ErbR Heft 11-2014, S. 515 ff. / Anticipated instructions and power of attorney according to German civil law – what if something happens in France? in ErbR Heft 11-2014, S. 515 ff.
- Die EU-Erbrechtsverordnung aus französischer Sicht, in ZErb Heft 3-2015, S.69 ff. / The European Regulation in matters of succession from a french point of view in ZErb n° 3-2015, p.69 et seq. ZErb_03_2015_69-78-Stade
- Ganz nah und häufig doch so fern: Das französische Handelsvertreter- und Vertragshänderrecht im Kontrast zur deutschen Rechtslage, in IHR 02/2016, S. 49 ff./ So close but often so far: The french agency and distributor law compared with the legal situation in Germany in IHR n° 2/2016, p. 49 et seq. Französisches Vertriebsrecht IHR 02-16 – Stade
- Unternehmenserbrecht in Frankreich: Ein Überblick, in ZEV 2017, S. 193 ff. / Company heritage law in France: An overwiev, in ZEV 2017, p. 193 et seq.
- Rechtliche Fallstricke im Frankreichgeschäft, in ZVertriebsR 05/2017, S. 293 ff. / Legal pitfalls in French business, in ZVertriebsR 5/2017, S.293 et seq. Fallstricke im Frankreichgeschäft ZVertriebsR 5-2017 Stade
- Frankreich: Kassationshof bestätigt strenge Voraussetzungen für Beschränkung der Erbenhaftung, in ZEV 10/2017, S. 567 f. / France: Supreme Court confirmes strict conditions for limited liability of the heir, in ZEV 10/2017, p. 567 et seq.